Friday, 24 September 2010


Type or Documentary

War, World Trade Centers conspiricy, NewYork, terrorists

Narrative Structure
Open structure

Low angle pan of peoples feet in the airport

Zoom quick into 17 close ups of faces of the attackers
Zoom into 4 attackers face

Birds eye view of map on different states of America.

Point of view shot of terrorist going onto plane

Point of view shot, going to the plane

Low angle hand held zoom to the top of the towers.

Slow motion zoom out of images of faces who lost their lives in 9/11

Low angle of twin towers to represent power

Hand held camera of footage of the twin towers being hit.

Interviews- 3rd of the way down and left or right to screen with medium close up

Voiceover- man, standard English, calm and clear.

Translator- From Pakistan and around the same age as the attacker.

Audio of air hostess and terrorists and people in the building

Map zooming into the airport
Image: September 11, 2001 
Slow motion of plane controls
extreme close up of attackers faces on a flag Then blurs

Faded images of pilots of the plane displayed over the controlsof the plane.

Fast motion view of whole plane

still images from inside the twin towers attack
black and white photos of New York

Archive Material
Twin towers
Afganistan and the war

CNN live

Audio of New York radio on september 11th

footage of plane hitting towers

CCTV footage of attackers at airport

audio of airhostess,  New York, terrorists, Texas, and Washington.

Interview- Name and job (relevance to documentary) white sans font.

Credits- White, lowercase, sans

White lower case, sans - translates

Title with newspaper headlines as a background

Time keeps appearing in the bottom left. in White Sans font


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